Valtio provides bare necessities for proxy state management which is great for most projects; however, some users wish to extend the library's feature set. This can be done using 3rd-party libraries created by the community.
Disclaimer: These libraries may have bugs, limited maintenance, or other limitations and are not officially recommended by pmndrs or the valtio maintainers. This list is to provide a good starting point for someone looking to extend valtio's feature set.
eslint Valtio plugin - Eslint plugin for valtio
sveltio - State management solution for Svelte using proxies. Powered by valtio.
valtio-yjs - Valtio-yjs makes yjs state easy
valtio factory - Create valtio state using the factory pattern
valtio-persist - Flexible and performant saving of state to disk.
valtio-element - Create reactive, declarative custom elements with valtio
electron-valtio - Share state between the Electron main process and various renderer windows via valtio
swc-plugin-valtio - Valtio useProxy transformer for SWC.